Another day hike south - this time a shorter one. Shirley dropped me off at Highway 58 (9 miles north of the point I started on Wednesday). This section took me right through the middle of another wind farm. There are hundreds of 3-bladed turbines dotting the landscape and they are spectacular. Some of them are 140' high. The wind rips across the hill and it is very difficult to keep from being blown over. I'll add photos later. Shirley was waiting for me at Tehachapi-Willow Springs Road. We spent the night in the town of Mojave, CA.
Tomorrow is another hiking day!
Keep hiking,
P.S. Thanks for all the comments. It is good to hear from home.
Thank you for logging on. It is hoped that you will enjoy reading about our outdoor experiences from the Appalachian Trail in the East to the Pacific Crest Trail in the West and everything in between. If you have questions about Carl's gear or need information on backcountry hiking, the AT and/or PCT, don't hesitate to email either one of us: or
DAY 33.Wed., May 28. 40 MILE DAY. TOTAL 558.3
Today, I decided to take advantage of Shirley's support. So, we planned out a day hike with me walking south instead of north. I began at 5:30 am at Tehachapi-Willow Springs Road (N35deg 07.931', W48deg 27.244'). This trek would take me along the underground Los Angeles Aqueduct and across many miles of the dry, barren Mojave Desert.
The first event of the day was walking upon a herd of sheep, a shepherd and two dogs. I thought it wise to give a wide berth between me and the sheep, especially since the dogs didn't appear to like me very much. Then I walked for miles along the aqueduct. You can hear the hum of the water below. It is quite amazing.
Everything went as scheduled until Shirley tried to meet me around 4pm. She was bringing Big Macs and cold Pepsi. However, she ended up waiting for me 5 miles north of where I was because I had hiked further south than I thought. We finally found each other and enjoyed a short lunch. I headed out on foot and she drove on the dirt road along the aqueduct to Skaggs' place to wait for me. Glad we had good cell service today.
We spent the night at HikerTown. It was a long day and my feet were talking to me in a not-so-friendly way at the end, but it was a good day overall. I met up with several northbound hikers - of course they asked me if I knew I was heading the wrong way.
Keep hiking,
The first event of the day was walking upon a herd of sheep, a shepherd and two dogs. I thought it wise to give a wide berth between me and the sheep, especially since the dogs didn't appear to like me very much. Then I walked for miles along the aqueduct. You can hear the hum of the water below. It is quite amazing.
Everything went as scheduled until Shirley tried to meet me around 4pm. She was bringing Big Macs and cold Pepsi. However, she ended up waiting for me 5 miles north of where I was because I had hiked further south than I thought. We finally found each other and enjoyed a short lunch. I headed out on foot and she drove on the dirt road along the aqueduct to Skaggs' place to wait for me. Glad we had good cell service today.
We spent the night at HikerTown. It was a long day and my feet were talking to me in a not-so-friendly way at the end, but it was a good day overall. I met up with several northbound hikers - of course they asked me if I knew I was heading the wrong way.
Keep hiking,
Photos from the PCT
DAYs 31 & 32. Mon.,May 26, Tues., May 27: ZERO Days with Shirley
After an hour or so delay in Denver, Shirley arrived at Hikertown on Monday around 4:30pm. It was really wonderful to see her. I introduced her to Richard Skaggs and Mrs. Anderson happened to be there also. She is the trail angel who fixed me pancakes and where I spent a couple of hours resting back at mile 478.
Shirley also got to see some of the hikers she met at the kick-off in April. Then we drove to Tehachapi, CA and stayed at the Best Western off of Highway 58. Shirley plans to stay out here for several weeks to support me along the way. This will allow me to hike the miles carrying fewer days of supplies.
I'll be slack packing on Wednesday and Shirley will be meeting me at the end of the day. Should be great!
Keep hiking,
DAY 30, Sun.,May 25. TOTAL 518.4
Climbed up a beautiful mountain up and over 5,700 feet. The trail was pleasant all the way with an easy descent down to a small pond which was not suitable for water. I crossed a road and hiked around the perimeter of a sportsman shooting club. This section was not pleasant due to unnecessary ups and downs because of private property restrictions in the area.
I arrived at Hikertown, on Highway 138 around 1pm. This facility is owned by Richard Scaggs. Mr. Scaggs takes an active part in caring for the hikers when he is in town, but the leaves the overall operations to Bob. They are A-No.1 troops. They provided what we needed most - a night's rest and good food, particular Mr. Scagg's Belgium Waffles. I told him that he is the first person I've ever met, outside my family, who likes a mixture of peanut butter and butter to put on the waffles. It was like being at home.
Hikertown is like being on a movie set with no cameras. What a unique place.
Shirley will be here tomorrow.
Keep hiking,
DAY 29.Sat.,May 24. ZERO day - DRYING OUT
Taken a zero on the trail. The sun is out and I am drying out. I posted yesterday that I have never been so wet. Well, I was talking about the clothes on my back, my socks and shoes. I had plenty of plastic bags to keep my gear inside my pack dry. Luckily I had enough forethought to pack my night shirt and extra socks inside my sleeping bag - so I had dry clothes to put on inside the tent.
I spent all day eating my packed food and reading the 2nd Harry Potter book that my baby sent to me at Big Bear City. Ate a Mountain House Beef Stew for dinner. My daughter April sent it to me for my birthday. It was heavenly!
The fog cleared up so I walked up to the top of a hill and guess what I saw - a valley with lots of civilization. I ran back to my tent, got my cell phone out and called Shirley. What a relief for both of us. I'm feeling much better now. The rolling in my stomach has eased up and I feel a lot stronger. I'll be hiking the 18 miles to Hikertown (another hiker friendly place) tomorrow.
Keep hiking,
I spent all day eating my packed food and reading the 2nd Harry Potter book that my baby sent to me at Big Bear City. Ate a Mountain House Beef Stew for dinner. My daughter April sent it to me for my birthday. It was heavenly!
The fog cleared up so I walked up to the top of a hill and guess what I saw - a valley with lots of civilization. I ran back to my tent, got my cell phone out and called Shirley. What a relief for both of us. I'm feeling much better now. The rolling in my stomach has eased up and I feel a lot stronger. I'll be hiking the 18 miles to Hikertown (another hiker friendly place) tomorrow.
Keep hiking,
DAY 28, Fri.,May 23. 21 TOTAL 500
Unbelievable hike today - RAIN, RAIN and more RAIN. Then fog - a solid wall of fog. At one point, I had no idea where I was. I couldn't even see the trail. I have never been so wet. Like so many other hikers, I just didn't prepare for rain in the southern section of California. Then the weather turned really bad - it got cold. I was very concerned about hypotherma so I found what I thought was a good place to set up my tent under some pine trees. Wrong! It was probably the worst place I could have chosen. The wind was ferocious and I have to admit it was a little frightening. I know that my sweet wife, friends and family must have been praying for me because I made it through this day. Thank the good Lord!
Keep hiking,
Keep hiking,
DAY 27, Thurs., May 22: 11 TOTAL 479
As I hike along today I am looking up at rain-threatening clouds. Whoever said 'it doesn't rain in Southern California' didn't get it right. It is definitely looking like rain to me. Unfortunately, I am not totally prepared for rain. But, all is well and I will be stopping by another trail angel facility, the Andersons, soon.
11:00 am: reached the Andersons and they fixed me a pancake breakfast. Also, took a 2 hour nap and said goodbye and thank you for the kindnesses they showed me. Will be looking for a dry place to set up my tent and stay dry.
Our God is an awesome God!
Keep hiking,
11:00 am: reached the Andersons and they fixed me a pancake breakfast. Also, took a 2 hour nap and said goodbye and thank you for the kindnesses they showed me. Will be looking for a dry place to set up my tent and stay dry.
Our God is an awesome God!
Keep hiking,
DAY 26, May 21:11.2 Miles - SHORT day; Total 465.6
Hiked at a much slower pace today. It was a day of nice, easy climbs. Stopped at a water cache and decided to camp on soft sand near a dry creek bed. There are only about 40 miles left to get to the highway where I'll meet Shirley so I'll really have to pace myself between now and then. Can't say enough about the Saufleys in Agua Dulce. Any PCTers reading this blog, be sure to stop there for some R&R.
Keep hiking,
Keep hiking,
DAY 26. May 21: another ZERO.
Resting, eating, soaking up the 'shade'light - that's what I'm doing today. There are so many hikers staying here at Agua Dulce and I don't want to outstay my welcome so I'll probably hit the trail later this evening. Will do some night hiking. I'm feeling much better. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts- they do make a difference.
Gotta share this with you. Yesterday afternoon I woke up from a sound, 2-hour snooze, surrounded by 20 or 30 hikers holding a big birthday cake and singing happy birthday. I was pleasantly surprised and touched by their thoughtfulness. These guys become your family away from home. It was very nice.
Shirley will be joining me on Monday. I'm looking forward to her visit.
Keep hiking,
Gotta share this with you. Yesterday afternoon I woke up from a sound, 2-hour snooze, surrounded by 20 or 30 hikers holding a big birthday cake and singing happy birthday. I was pleasantly surprised and touched by their thoughtfulness. These guys become your family away from home. It was very nice.
Shirley will be joining me on Monday. I'm looking forward to her visit.
Keep hiking,
DAY 25, Tues.,May 20, my 67th Birthday ZERO day - TOTAL MILES 454
Thanks to all of you who have sent me birthday wishes. This hiker is getting old. It has been great reading all of the posts and listening to my grandchildren and children sing to me on my voicemail.
I arrived at Agua Dulce around 6pm last night. This place is awesome - an oasis in a desert land. The Saufleys graciously take in hikers and provide multiple services - anything a hiker needs. I'll be resting up here for a couple of days, catching up on laundry, email and talking to my baby.
Keep hiking,
I arrived at Agua Dulce around 6pm last night. This place is awesome - an oasis in a desert land. The Saufleys graciously take in hikers and provide multiple services - anything a hiker needs. I'll be resting up here for a couple of days, catching up on laundry, email and talking to my baby.
Keep hiking,
DAY 24,Mon.,May 19. TOTAL 454.4
This is a day of ups and downs and more ups and downs. The trail dips 1,000 feet down and climbs 1,000 feet up. There is no shade and the temperature is 107 deg. The water I'm carrying is 100 deg. There is no shade. The terrain is like a moonscape - nothing growing. I cross over the Santa Clara River ford - and it's just a dry, dusty dip on the horizon - no water!
You may be asking "is he having fun yet?" Well, the early mornings are very nice. I just never expected this much heat. It will be much better when I start into the Sierras - about 190 miles north. But for now - I'll keep treking this dry, thirsty land!
Keep hiking,
P.S.: Thanks to Nimblewill Nomad for donating to the Home of the Innocents. He is a 70 year old thru-hiker being supported by a good friend. Terrific people to know.
You may be asking "is he having fun yet?" Well, the early mornings are very nice. I just never expected this much heat. It will be much better when I start into the Sierras - about 190 miles north. But for now - I'll keep treking this dry, thirsty land!
Keep hiking,
P.S.: Thanks to Nimblewill Nomad for donating to the Home of the Innocents. He is a 70 year old thru-hiker being supported by a good friend. Terrific people to know.
DAY 23, Sun., May 18, 23.8miles. TOTAL 430.7
The climb out of Sulphur Springs was steep but it turned out to be a pleasant day. However, I'm getting so tired and not bouncing back after my zero days like I would like. The heat during the day is tortuous. I am drinking lots of water but have no appetite.
When I reached the Spur trail of Pacifico Mountain Road we were overjoyed to see several trail angels. One in particular I want to acknowledge is Meadow Mary. She provided me with gatorade, fresh fruit and emergency vitamins & minerals in powder form. I sweat so much and guess I'm losing more than weight. I've been told I'm losing electrolites and I have lost at least 30 lbs.
I heard there is a 'heat advisory' - I'll vouch for that. I'll be glad when it cools down a little.
Hey, thanks to all of you who are cheering me on! I'll keep you posted!!!
Keep hiking,
When I reached the Spur trail of Pacifico Mountain Road we were overjoyed to see several trail angels. One in particular I want to acknowledge is Meadow Mary. She provided me with gatorade, fresh fruit and emergency vitamins & minerals in powder form. I sweat so much and guess I'm losing more than weight. I've been told I'm losing electrolites and I have lost at least 30 lbs.
I heard there is a 'heat advisory' - I'll vouch for that. I'll be glad when it cools down a little.
Hey, thanks to all of you who are cheering me on! I'll keep you posted!!!
Keep hiking,
DAY 22, Sat., May 17, 22.9 miles. TOTAL 406.9
I left Little Jimmy Campground to begin a long, dry day. It was a beautiful hike for the most part, with lots of shade at first. We stayed high most all day but didn't have any water except for what I carried. We came to Sulphur Springs Campground but the campground was closed. So we camped outside the perimeter on the sand. I slept out with a full moon over my head. I'm still cowboy camping - I lay my piece of Tyvek on the sandy ground and take everything out of my pack and elevate my feet on my pack. That night there were a number of hikers, Moonpie, BeBop, and others. Some of the others went on and hiked by the light of the moon.
Keep hiking,
Keep hiking,
DAY 21, Fri., May 16, 15 TOTAL 384
Talked to Shirley this morning. I told her that I would probably be out of cell phone range for a couple of days. We're enjoying talking to each other so this stretch of "no cell" will be more difficult.
This part of the PCT includes the Mt. Baden-Powell Spur Trail - elevation 9,245 ft - named for Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts. The summit marks the end of the Scout-built Silver Moccasin National Recreation Trail. Scouts often hike the Silver trail to earn their hiking merit badge.
Got some great pictures. Will get them posted when Shirley gets here next week. Plan to camp at Little Jimmy Campground tonight.
Keep hiking,
This part of the PCT includes the Mt. Baden-Powell Spur Trail - elevation 9,245 ft - named for Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts. The summit marks the end of the Scout-built Silver Moccasin National Recreation Trail. Scouts often hike the Silver trail to earn their hiking merit badge.
Got some great pictures. Will get them posted when Shirley gets here next week. Plan to camp at Little Jimmy Campground tonight.
Keep hiking,
DAY 20 - ZERO DAY in Wrightwood, Ca
I've had a day relaxing and eating great food. And, boy have I eaten a bunch. A great big THANK YOU to Laurie P. for opening her home to this old greybearded man and fixing a marvelous breakfast this morning. She, along with all the people in Wrightwood, has been so friendly and helpful to all the PCT'ers that have come through yesterday and today. I highly recommend Wrightwood as a place to enjoy a zero mile day.
Shirley and I have made arrangements to meet a week earlier than originally planned. I look forward to seeing her. Tomorrow is another day and I'll be back on the trail in the morning.
Keep hiking,
Shirley and I have made arrangements to meet a week earlier than originally planned. I look forward to seeing her. Tomorrow is another day and I'll be back on the trail in the morning.
Keep hiking,
Day 19, Weds.May 14: 15-mi. day. TOTAL 364.5
What a climb - straight up! I called Shirley when I reached the top of a flat ridge at 8200 ft. The view is far and wide but the trees are burnt down, hardly anything left but stumps. I will be hiking down to Wrightwood, a town still high in elevation but with real food. I'll catch up on laundry and take a zero day tomorrow. I need it! Plan to have a large pizza for dinner.
The people of Wrightwood open their doors to thru-hikers. I'll be sleeping between clean sheets tonight.
Keep hiking,
The people of Wrightwood open their doors to thru-hikers. I'll be sleeping between clean sheets tonight.
Keep hiking,
Day 18,Tues.May 13, 32.3 mile day. TOTAL 349.0
I felt like a million today and before I knew it I had hiked 30+ miles. Spent the night at high elevation and had to hunt for a flat place at that. I am hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains. I've never seen such beauty - huge Joshua trees, some of them 7ft in diameter. It's hard to believe that I am actually in northern Los Angeles County with so many people. This range of mountains is between that huge metropolis and the Mojave Desert. I'll be climbing up snow peaks tomorrow.
Keep hiking,
Keep hiking,
Day 17, Mon. May 12. 21 mile day. TOTAL 315.2
Left out this morning around 7:15am after spending the night at Holcomb Creek. All day I have been hiking in Deep Creek Canyon. What contrasts. I have cold water to drink and I dipped my feet in the Deep Creek Hot Spring - it felt good. Crossed a huge dam that is holding back nothing - just a dry, empty reservoir. Called Shirley around 4:15p her time to let her know all is going well.
I have seen a total of 12 non-poisonous snakes and 5 rattlesnakes since I began this hike. The last rattler was only 5 feet from me and startled me so much I failed to get a picture. It was laying across the trail and didn't seem interested in moving. Finally, I threw a stick at it and it slithered off into the brush.
Well, I'm turning in for the night.
Keep hiking,
I have seen a total of 12 non-poisonous snakes and 5 rattlesnakes since I began this hike. The last rattler was only 5 feet from me and startled me so much I failed to get a picture. It was laying across the trail and didn't seem interested in moving. Finally, I threw a stick at it and it slithered off into the brush.
Well, I'm turning in for the night.
Keep hiking,
Day 16, Sun., May 11- 20.3 mile day. Total 294.4
Started out this day with a huge breakfast at Denny's. Those Grand Slams are just the thing for a hiking guy. Shirley set up a free service for me called As long as I have cell service I can call the main number and describe in real time exactly where I am, what I see and what I am experiencing. Here's the message I sent to Shirley this morning.
9:20 am Pacific time. Hi Honey, I have just left the Van Dusen Road and I'm heading up the mountains right now and I'm over looking the most beautiful site of Big Bear with the San Gorgonio Mountain and it's just covered with snow. It's the second range and its absolutely beautiful. I am heading on up, I may have to do some road walking, to go around a fire, but everything is going well and I feel good, I'm taking my time and relaxing, so its just a beautiful day. I love you, catch you later. Bye.
Appreciation report for the day: Thanks to the Forest Fire Fighters out of Big Bear. They let us know about a forest fire on the trail and provided us with a detailed re-route around the fire. Our great land is blessed with unseen heros.
Keep hiking,
9:20 am Pacific time. Hi Honey, I have just left the Van Dusen Road and I'm heading up the mountains right now and I'm over looking the most beautiful site of Big Bear with the San Gorgonio Mountain and it's just covered with snow. It's the second range and its absolutely beautiful. I am heading on up, I may have to do some road walking, to go around a fire, but everything is going well and I feel good, I'm taking my time and relaxing, so its just a beautiful day. I love you, catch you later. Bye.
Appreciation report for the day: Thanks to the Forest Fire Fighters out of Big Bear. They let us know about a forest fire on the trail and provided us with a detailed re-route around the fire. Our great land is blessed with unseen heros.
Keep hiking,
Day 15, Sat., May 10 - 9 mile day. TOTAL 274.1
Today, I left my gear at the hostel (a newly opened, very hiker-friendly facility) in Big Bear City and went for a casual 9 mile walk this afternoon. The sun was low in the sky and the weather was beautiful - cool and pleasant. I could see snow up on the ski slopes. After the miles, we got a hitch back to the hostel. I picked up some hot dogs at the grocery. After last night's meal (we ate at a Sushi Bar - not cheap), tonight's fare will be a little less expensive but still satisfying.
I'm bunking with two thru-hikers - Hiking Bare and Gopher. They are great guys. We'll be heading out in the morning. I'll be hiking a lot slower pace and drinking more water.
Thanks to everyone who have posted comments. They really mean a lot to me. And thank you Joey for your post. Yes, I am enjoying seeing the solitary beauty that God has created. I am thankful that He has blessed me with health and strength to stand on top of the high mountains and get a birds eye view of this great land. Thanks to all for your prayers and thoughts.
Keep hiking,
I'm bunking with two thru-hikers - Hiking Bare and Gopher. They are great guys. We'll be heading out in the morning. I'll be hiking a lot slower pace and drinking more water.
Thanks to everyone who have posted comments. They really mean a lot to me. And thank you Joey for your post. Yes, I am enjoying seeing the solitary beauty that God has created. I am thankful that He has blessed me with health and strength to stand on top of the high mountains and get a birds eye view of this great land. Thanks to all for your prayers and thoughts.
Keep hiking,
DAY 14, Fri., May 9, 21.1 mile day. TOTAL 265.3
Well the miles today were a little cooler. We hiked among massive Jeffery Pines and other trees that I don't know the names of. Some of them were larger than the trees in Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest. The elevation of the trail today hovered around 8,100 ft and then we descended down to 6800 to Big Bear City around 90 miles east of Los Angeles.
I picked up mail at the Post Office and called my daughter Anna to thank her for the cute birthday card she sent me. Also, got a package from my Shirley.
Will enjoy taking a shower and sleeping in a bed tonight. I may get a chance to check email tomorrow.
I've decided that I am going to slow my pace down so I can enjoy this experience more. The blisters on my heels are healing up but the desert heat makes hiking 20 plus miles day after day very difficult. Will send photos as soon as possible.
Keep hiking,
I picked up mail at the Post Office and called my daughter Anna to thank her for the cute birthday card she sent me. Also, got a package from my Shirley.
Will enjoy taking a shower and sleeping in a bed tonight. I may get a chance to check email tomorrow.
I've decided that I am going to slow my pace down so I can enjoy this experience more. The blisters on my heels are healing up but the desert heat makes hiking 20 plus miles day after day very difficult. Will send photos as soon as possible.
Keep hiking,
DAY 13 Thurs.,May 8, 24.4 mile day. TOTAL 246.2
Another long day of hiking. The heat is my biggest problem. I'll start climbing elevation and it feels like I'm hitting the wall of an oven. Also, the sun is making the water hot. I'm drinking it because I know that it keeps me hydrated, but it is not very satisfying. If I had the chance to start this hike over I would have started hiking around the 1st of April instead of the 26th. Maybe it would be cooler.
I'm going to camp in Coon Creek Road off California highway 1N02 tonight. This area is a wide creek of nothing but a little water and lots of rocks. Will be going into Big Bear City for supplies and to sleep in a bed tomorrow night.
Keep hiking,
I'm going to camp in Coon Creek Road off California highway 1N02 tonight. This area is a wide creek of nothing but a little water and lots of rocks. Will be going into Big Bear City for supplies and to sleep in a bed tomorrow night.
Keep hiking,
DAY 12, Weds., May 7. 25.9 mile day. Total 221.8
It is taking a long time to hike over this mountain. The valley is in front of me and I have a view of Fuller Ridge behind me. You can look down on the San Andreas Fault zone from here. I tried several times to call Shirley this morning. Even though I stood on top of a pile of rocks and could see a town off in the distance, I kept losing service. Finally got to talk to her around 10am Pacific time but that was it.
I camped in a group camp at West Fork Mission Creek Rd. It was just a shell of a building where we could throw out pads and sleeping bags down. It has been a long day and I am very tired.
Keep hiking,
I camped in a group camp at West Fork Mission Creek Rd. It was just a shell of a building where we could throw out pads and sleeping bags down. It has been a long day and I am very tired.
Keep hiking,
DAY 11, Tues., May 6, 17.3 mile day, TOTAL 195
A great day for a walk! The blisters are healing up and I feel good. Will be looking for a place to sleep under the stars tonight. No cell service - bummer.
Appreciation report for the day: THANK YOU David Ledbetter for giving me a ride to the head of Devil's Slide Trail. It's folks like David and the Hinman's that make this world a better place to live.
I am hiking with two other hikers. We hiked 2.5 miles up Devil's Slide to the PCT. Then we reached Fuller Ridge where we experienced our first snow on the San Jacinto Mountains. There were places where the snow was 4 ft. deep. There would be a patch of the trail and then a patch of snow. Finding the trail was not easy.
I'll be sleeping in the shoulder of this mountain.
Keep hiking,
Appreciation report for the day: THANK YOU David Ledbetter for giving me a ride to the head of Devil's Slide Trail. It's folks like David and the Hinman's that make this world a better place to live.
I am hiking with two other hikers. We hiked 2.5 miles up Devil's Slide to the PCT. Then we reached Fuller Ridge where we experienced our first snow on the San Jacinto Mountains. There were places where the snow was 4 ft. deep. There would be a patch of the trail and then a patch of snow. Finding the trail was not easy.
I'll be sleeping in the shoulder of this mountain.
Keep hiking,
DAY 10, Monday, May 5. ZERO Day
Spent another day at Idyllwild. This is a beautiful facility where hikers camp for only $3 a night. The elevation here is around 5,000 ft.- magnificant vistas and huge pine trees shooting up into the blue California sky.
I really didn't want to spend another zero but the extra day will give my heels a rest. I plan to head out in the morning walking the 4.5 miles on the Devil's Slide Trail to the PCT at Saddle Junction. Then it's up to 9,000 ft. and across the San Jacinto Mountains. Photos to be posted later.
Keep hiking,
I really didn't want to spend another zero but the extra day will give my heels a rest. I plan to head out in the morning walking the 4.5 miles on the Devil's Slide Trail to the PCT at Saddle Junction. Then it's up to 9,000 ft. and across the San Jacinto Mountains. Photos to be posted later.
Keep hiking,
DAY 9, Sunday, May 4.Total Miles to date: 151
This morning I hitched a ride to a local market. Then got a ride to Idyllwild, a beautiful town a few miles west of the trail. Trail angels, Daryl and Ellen, chauffered us and then drove me back to the market because I left my hiking poles. I then caught up with four hikers and hiked back into Idyllwild to spend the night. Had pizza for lunch. I'll stay the night and get caught up on laundry and take care of the blisters on my heels. Should be an interesting day.
Keep hiking,
Keep hiking,
DAY 8, Saturday, May 3, 24 mile day, TOTAL 127
I passed 3 water caches today. Came to Highway 74 crossing and found that part of the trail was closed because of a fire. The fire was due to humans smoking. So I stopped at Paradise Cafe 1 mile off the trail. Ate supper with 4 other thru-hikers - Sidewinder, Ross, RS, Brad and Gopher and spent the night on public land sleeping underneath a huge, beautiful pine tree behind the cafe. Will see what tomorrow brings.
Keep hiking,
Keep hiking,
DAY 7 - Zero mile day

I'm spending the day with my baby today. Resting up, getting laundry done and nursing the blisters on my heels. I think I am going to have to get a bigger size shoe. The sand on the trail affects our shoes and socks and wears into the skin more so than hiking the AT terrain.
Shirley returns to Louisville in the morning and I'll be northbound again. Canada here I come!
Keep hiking,
p.s. Shirley will be giving me a fund raiser report on Monday.
Shirley returns to Louisville in the morning and I'll be northbound again. Canada here I come!
Keep hiking,
p.s. Shirley will be giving me a fund raiser report on Monday.
DAY 6: May 1, '08. 17.5 miles. Total to date 127.1


After breakfast she drove me to Lost Valley Rd and I slackpacked south back to Warner Springs. Lost Valley Rd is a Boy Scout road. It is a dirt road that winds up to 4,170 ft elevation. I carried a daypack with water and 4 McDonald breakfast sandwiches to snack on. This southbound section gave me a good taste of higher rocky terrain. I was glad to put the miles away carrying a light weight load.
We met up with "Gator" and had dinner at the authentic Mexican restaurant 8 miles west of Warner Springs. Food was A-plus.
Plan to zero (no hiking) tomorrow.
Keep hiking,
DAY 5, April 30: Hiked 18.3 miles - To date 109.6
Today was a short day. I hiked into Warner Springs, CA around 1:00pm. Spent the night at the resort with 4 other hikers, Kelly, Annie, Matthew and Glo Worm: great people. I'm waiting for Shirley to show up tomorrow. She has been staying with our long time Air Force friends in Montbello, Clell & Betty.
Everyone has been so geniunely friendly which makes for a great hike.
Keep hiking,
Everyone has been so geniunely friendly which makes for a great hike.
Keep hiking,
DAY 4 - April 29: 22.3 Miles - TOTAL 91.3


I am learning quite a lot about the vegetation. The purple bar tree is Manzanita (sp?) and the scrub oak has very small leaves about 1/2" long. Photos to be added later.
Keep hiking.
*Note: There are registers along the trail where hikers can leave notes, updates, etc. Just another way to log their whereabouts and location in case of emergencies.
DAY 3 - April 28 - 25.4 Miles - TOTAL 69
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