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DAY 6: May 1, '08. 17.5 miles. Total to date 127.1

Shirley got here around 8am and we enjoyed breakfast at the Grill. It was good to see her.

After breakfast she drove me to Lost Valley Rd and I slackpacked south back to Warner Springs. Lost Valley Rd is a Boy Scout road. It is a dirt road that winds up to 4,170 ft elevation. I carried a daypack with water and 4 McDonald breakfast sandwiches to snack on. This southbound section gave me a good taste of higher rocky terrain. I was glad to put the miles away carrying a light weight load.

We met up with "Gator" and had dinner at the authentic Mexican restaurant 8 miles west of Warner Springs. Food was A-plus.

Plan to zero (no hiking) tomorrow.
Keep hiking,

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