Thank you for logging on. It is hoped that you will enjoy reading about our outdoor experiences from the Appalachian Trail in the East to the Pacific Crest Trail in the West and everything in between. If you have questions about Carl's gear or need information on backcountry hiking, the AT and/or PCT, don't hesitate to email either one of us: sgoodman5815@gmail.com or goodmanATRidgerunner@gmail.com.


DAY 26. May 21: another ZERO.

Resting, eating, soaking up the 'shade'light - that's what I'm doing today. There are so many hikers staying here at Agua Dulce and I don't want to outstay my welcome so I'll probably hit the trail later this evening. Will do some night hiking. I'm feeling much better. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts- they do make a difference.

Gotta share this with you. Yesterday afternoon I woke up from a sound, 2-hour snooze, surrounded by 20 or 30 hikers holding a big birthday cake and singing happy birthday. I was pleasantly surprised and touched by their thoughtfulness. These guys become your family away from home. It was very nice.

Shirley will be joining me on Monday. I'm looking forward to her visit.
Keep hiking,


Anonymous said...

Carl, this is Ina with Home of the Innocents. I hope your ears were burning today we (actually April) filled everyone in on your journey at a big meeting today. We are so glad that you had a wonderful birthday and are taking it easy with the heat! Take care.

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday Carl! I hope I'm still able to hike like you are when I become "an old greybearded man." Keep on chugging along!

Matt Davis

Anonymous said...

Carl, Happy belated birthday. I hope you feel like your 29 still. It comes as no supprise to me that you are doing this for the Home. It must run in the family because April is the best boss I have ever had the pleasure of having. She goes way above and beyond to be nice and fair and everyone here loves her. Everyone here loves you to for doing this. Stay young at heart and healthy, but most of all keep on truckin!
Thanks again, Trish Lerding

Anonymous said...

Thank you hikers for taking care of my dad on his birthday!!! Love you guys! We're praying for ALL of you every day. The good Lord's blessings to you every STEP of the way!