Finished up this day hike at 4:30 pm. Shirley was waiting at Chinook Pass. As usual, she had a take-out chicken dinner waiting for me and a quart of cold milk. As I have already posted, this day was a "walk in the woods". There was not much elevation change. I cleared a ridge at 12 noon and Mt. Rainier, in all its glory, loomed above me. It was magnificant! I could see Mt. Adams and almost Mt. St. Helens.
I have been leap-frogging with 4 other thru-hikers, Chunk, Water Buffalo, Britten, and Bido. They should all be ahead of me tomorrow since Shirley and I are camping tonight at Silver Creek Campground.
I saw a Marmot today. It is the first wildlife sighting larger than a squirrel I've seen in 200 miles. 331.2 miles to go!
Keep hiking,