Thank you for logging on. It is hoped that you will enjoy reading about our outdoor experiences from the Appalachian Trail in the East to the Pacific Crest Trail in the West and everything in between. If you have questions about Carl's gear or need information on backcountry hiking, the AT and/or PCT, don't hesitate to email either one of us: sgoodman5815@gmail.com or goodmanATRidgerunner@gmail.com.



'Willow' is a Plot-Terrier mix and a Service Dog trained to sense and warn his master of potential problems with blood sugar levels, amazing. She is the best behaving dog I have ever encountered on the trail, never barking, staying seated and always attentive of his master's movements while just sitting and generally following  "M80" (trail name) with his head and eyes.
  For those interested The Plot Hound is arguably the most celebrated bear hunting dog anywhere and was  bred (developed) on Plot Mountain (named after the Plot Hound's breeder) near the Smoky Mountain area.

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