Thank you for logging on. It is hoped that you will enjoy reading about our outdoor experiences from the Appalachian Trail in the East to the Pacific Crest Trail in the West and everything in between. If you have questions about Carl's gear or need information on backcountry hiking, the AT and/or PCT, don't hesitate to email either one of us: sgoodman5815@gmail.com or goodmanATRidgerunner@gmail.com.


Statistics & General Information

Began at Campo, CA: April 26, 2008 - completed in Manning Park, Canada: August 24, 2008
Total days hiked: 105
Average hiking miles per day: 24
Total zero (no hiking) days: 16 (includes 2 days hitching around forest fires)
Total weight lost: 25 to 30 lbs
Side trips completed: Mt. Whitney, John Muir Trail, Half Dome in Yosemite

Base gear:
Pack: ULA Catalyst
Tent: Tarptent (Rainbow)
Sleeping Bag: Feathered Friends (20 deg.)
Pad: Montbell
Rain gear: Montbell rain jacket
Jacket: Marmot Dri-Clime Windshirt
Shirt: Helly Hanson, long-sleeve, to sleep in
Pants: Montbell Ultralight Nylon, to sleep in
Socks: Smartwool (2 pair), one pair to sleep in

Gear - Marmot Dri-Clime Windshirt
Trail towns - Agua Dulce and Wrightwood
Trail magic - Wrightwood Trail Angels
Town meals - Stehekin, WA
Trail food choices - Mountain House Lasagna, Nido Milk Substitute
Shoes - Merrells Ventilators
Tree - Too many monstrous and beautiful to mention
Breathtaking trail sight - Summit trail to Mt. Whitney
Memory - Clear, cold mountain streams, tasted soooo good

Food I craved the most: Cold milk
Bears sighted: 3 black bear, zero Grizzles (thank you Lord)
Snakes: 20 (6 rattlers)
Most unusual trail sighting: A man on the trail with 6 suitcases, a day pack & a 5-gallon, and a plastic Jerry can for water.
Electronics: Olympus Camera, Garmin GPS (eTrex HC), cell phone

Best decision made: Teaming with others, particularly when safety is a concern.

Worst decision made: Hitching around wildfire areas when I could have tolerated the smoke and road walked much of it.

Current plans: Head back to the Smoky Mountain National Park as an Appalachian Trail Ridgerunner March 2009.

Successful fund raiser for Home of the Innocents: almost $6,000.

Future plans: Hike the PCT fire-closed sections and The Sheltowee Trace Trail in Kentucky, http://www.sheltoweetrace.com/.

Final thoughts on hiking the PCT: It was a fleeting dream for this 67 year old after having hiked the Appalachian Trail nine years ago. I have been so blessed to do the PCT, and particularly on behalf of the Home of the Innocents (http://www.homeoftheinnocents.org/ ). The words of encouragement from fellow hikers and the prayers of friends and family back home were so important to me.

I am always amazed at how close thru-hikers become and how everyone wants to see the other guy make it. I am forever thankful just to be a part of the hiker community.

To all those whose paths I crossed, thank you.

God bless and keep hiking.
KY Greybeard

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