Thank you for logging on. It is hoped that you will enjoy reading about our outdoor experiences from the Appalachian Trail in the East to the Pacific Crest Trail in the West and everything in between. If you have questions about Carl's gear or need information on backcountry hiking, the AT and/or PCT, don't hesitate to email either one of us: sgoodman5815@gmail.com or goodmanATRidgerunner@gmail.com.


DAY 68: July 4th - Friday: 31.3 miles TOTAL 1193.4

Coordinates: N 39 deg 33.369', W 120 deg 34.659': I started hiking in the dark this morning - BIG mistake! I missed the PCT at a junction and 2 hours later I realized I was heading north on a totally different trail - one that paralleled the PCT but with a mountain between the two. I had to decide whether to switch back to the beginning or use my GPS and go over the mountain. I chose to go over the mountain. It costs me a lot of time but I finally caught up with the guys who started out on Tuesday without me - around 6:30 pm. Oh well - a great 4th of July hiking the western U.S.A. This section is rich with views of massive volcanic rocks and beautiful mule-deer yellow flowers.
Keep hiking,

1 comment:

Douglas said...

Three 30+ mile days in a row, including some off-trail hiking... Dude, you are a hiking machine.