Thank you for logging on. It is hoped that you will enjoy reading about our outdoor experiences from the Appalachian Trail in the East to the Pacific Crest Trail in the West and everything in between. If you have questions about Carl's gear or need information on backcountry hiking, the AT and/or PCT, don't hesitate to email either one of us: sgoodman5815@gmail.com or goodmanATRidgerunner@gmail.com.



We often see evidence of life along the trail, but to see the result of our carelessness is an unplesant experience. Here is a pic which shows the pieces of a foil package not properly disposed of and which has been ingested and subsequently regurgitated by some critter. LEAVE NO TRACE is much more than a motto - it is a powerful statement of our presence in this land of beauty and when it (LNT) is practiced the words we here are "hey, no one has been here!" Thus, we are further inspired to seek out more beautiful places.

Keep hiking,

Carl, aka KY Greybeard

Iconic "YOGI"

If you are a long distance hiker as I am, you have heard of or communicated with her on the trail. I am talking about "Yogi" a lady who has written the book on long-distrance treks. I first met Yogi at the 2008 PCT Kickoff and passed her last week as she is hiking the AT again. I had just finished my first week of patrolling my assigned section of the AT (my 10th season out of Fontana trailhead) in the GSMNP.

I am always pleased to see other LD hikers who share a love of the long footpaths and the many perennial hikers who tread them. Yogi and I took time to share a few stories and catch up on the news of mutual friends. As usual, a cool breeze began to blow over the mountain and we had to get moving. It was good to see you Yogi.

Keep hiking,

Carl, aka KY Greybeard (GA/ME '99)(PCT '08)


Here I stand on "ole Rocky Top" Tennessee; actually one of the most scenic spots in the Smokies. Although in early 70' you could stand at Spence Field Junction (AT) and watch hiker progress up and over Rocky Top. Natural plant and tree growth has all but eliminated that view. The area is still picturesque. I can only imagine the panoramic view when the National Park was established, or the view that inspired the writing of the song (written in Gatlinburg).

Keep hiking, Carl, aka KY Greybeard